Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Top 5 React UI Design Frameworks

What is React?

The textbook definition for React is that it is an open source frontend JavaScript library, which is created and maintained by the Facebook Developer Community. It is used to build User Interfaces or UI Components.

However, this definition assumes that you already know some key terms mentioned over there. We have the perfect blog post which gives a detailed technical description of what React is, from the ground up which you can find over here.

React has also been a boon for both clients and programmers, allowing the developers to build an MVP quickly and easily enable cross platform development, helping programmers to become full-stack.

Why do we need design frameworks?

There are plenty of design languages, talking from a user interface point of view. A great example would be that of Material UI. When you have a specific design language, components are always reused and they have a certain predefined structure to them. Even if you aren’t strictly following a certain design language, there are a lot of components that are similar across applications.

A design framework gives developers a toolkit of commonly used UI components. This allows the developers to develop the project quickly as they don’t have to go on reinventing the wheel.

That being said, here are the top 5 React UI Design Frameworks:

1 Material UI

Material Design is one of the most popular design languages developed by Google. It uses more grid based layouts, responsive animations and transitions, padding, and depth effects such as lighting and shadows.

Material UI is a React framework that makes use of Material Design. It means that it has components which make it easier to implement Material Design into your React project.

Some of its features are mentioned below:

  • Material UI is one of the most popular and actively maintained library with 2.1k contributors and 68.6k stars on GitHub
  • Defining a custom colour theme for your app and fonts can be done very easily using the <MuiThemeProvider> component. It also has a predefined colour palette
  • Not relying on any global style-sheets such as normalize.css, Material UI components are self-supporting, and will only inject the styles they need to display.
  • It has a large library of components such as app bars, data tables, sliders, tooltips, etc. which all have a similar design language so that your application looks cohesive, without much efforts

2 React Bootstrap

If you have even a vague idea of frontend development, you might have heard of Bootstrap. It is an open source CSS framework aimed at responsive, front-end web development which is mobile first. It contains a host of templates ranging from typography, forms to buttons, navigation and other interface components which are CSS and JavaScript based.

Just as the name suggests, React Bootstrap replaces the Bootstrap JavaScript. Each component has been developed from scratch as a React component, without unneeded dependencies like jQuery.

Some of its features are mentioned below:

  • It has 19.5k stars and 406 contributors on GitHub.
  • React Bootstrap’s grid system uses a series of containers, rows, and columns to layout and align content. It’s built with flexbox and is fully responsive.
  • Bootstrap includes a few general use CSS transitions that can be applied to a number of components. React Bootstrap bundles them up into a few composable <Transition> components from react-transition-group, a commonly used animation wrapper for React.
  • Encapsulating animations into components has the added benefit of making them more broadly useful, as well as portable for using in other libraries. All React Bootstrap components that can be animated, support pluggable <Transition> components.

3 React — Admin

For every business centric software, an admin panel is very indispensable and almost all of them have a lot of similar kinds of functionality based on the domain of the business. Some examples of this could be looking up a user’s address, marking an order as refunded, resetting a password among others.

React Admin is a framework that uses React, Material UI, React Router, Redux, and React-final-form. Using these, it provides a customizable unified admin framework that can be used to build dashboards.

Mentioned here are some of its features:

  • It has 17k stars and 425 contributors on GitHub.
  • React-Admin is a frontend framework. It is built to use existing REST / GraphQL APIs present in your project.
  • It enables creating frontend admin applications that interact with the backend in a standardized way through data providers.
  • It uses an adapter approach which is explained in brief as below:

The data provider acts as an interface between the framework and your backend.

It handles the querying and response handling between the frontend & the respective backend APIs, allowing the focus to be in building the dashboard in modular steps.

  • Some of the things that React Admin provides are:

Relationship support

Conditional formatting

Full-featured data grids

Optimistic rendering

4 Ant Design

Just like Material UI for React follows Google’s Material Design principles, Ant Design for React follows the Ant Design principles. It is created by the Chinese conglomerate Alibaba, and is used by several big names such as Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, among many others.

As per their design values page, Ant Design focuses on these aspects:

  • Natural — an interaction which is natural to use, avoiding any complexity
  • Certain — creating design rules in such a way that it avoids low-efficiency & maintenance heavy products
  • Meaningful — keeping the needs of the end users in mind and creating designs revolving around that
  • Growing — focused on the discoverability of functions and values of the product via design

Some of its features are:

  • Currently Ant Design has 72k stars and 1,423 contributors on GitHub
  • The Ant layout system consists of a 24-aliquot (which means parts of a whole) grid and a separate Layout component than you can choose to use.

The grid uses the familiar Row and Col system, but a prop called flex can also be specified which allows to harness Flexbox properties to define a responsive UI.

  • Being made by a Chinese conglomerate, the components include internationalization support for dozens of languages.
  • Using Less.js for its style language, the ability to customize the components to specific design specifications is also possible.
  • It has components such as Layout, Grid, Form, Breadcrumb, Pagination among many others.

We at Creole Studios is leading reactjs development company love using the Ant Design framework and have used it for numerous projects. One example is that of an online job posting and tracking portal connecting the employers and specialists for the completion of tasks, of which one of its screens is showcased below:

We have dedicated reactjs experts working on Ant Design and Material UI among other design frameworks, and getting started with your idea is as easy as contacting us and we’ll do the heavy lifting of making your projects with impeccable design.

5 React Foundation

Foundation is a family of responsive front-end frameworks that aids in designing beautiful responsive websites, apps and emails that look amazing on any device. Zurb, the organization behind Foundation, describe their frameworks to be semantic, readable, flexible, and completely customizable

It’s a CSS framework like bootstrap and React Foundation is basically the wrapping up of Foundation’s every part into reusable React components following the framework’s best practices. Some of its features are described below:

  • It has 579 GitHub stars and 21 contributors
  • React Foundation uses pure render components, also known as stateless components, whenever possible to keep the memory usage to a minimum
  • Stateful components are only used for larger components, such as ResponsiveNavigation, where the state is actually necessary.

There’s no ‘perfect’ React UI Design Framework that would be the best choice for all of your projects, however, there are some traits such as exhaustive documentation, large number of components, well maintained and constantly updated repositories and a large community forum to help you in every step of the development process that makes a framework easy to work with.

                                                                              .   .   .

Originally published at on 15 May, 2021

Monday, November 8, 2021


 Any individual well-versed with software programming has heard of Django and ReactJS technologies. While they are contrasting technologies, they can be used together to great effect.

In many developer corridors, the never-ending argument continues of whether ReactJS is a framework or library. However, one thing that we are confident about is the fact that Django is considered a full-fledged framework. 

So, in today’s Creole Studios Blog, we will explore the individual benefits of both technologies, and the benefits of employing them together. So, without further ado, let’s delve in, shall we?

What is a Framework?

Before we get ahead of ourselves, it’s better if we first revise web frameworks. Typically, a website constitutes two parts: a frontend and a backend. That being said, building a website involves the configuration of tasks like: database and session management, security measures, authentications, etc.

In practice, a web framework essentially handles all those tasks as components so that developers don’t have to write them again from scratch. Put simply, frameworks make a developer’s life easy by not having to reinvent the wheel.

Though, it’s worth noting that one doesn’t technically need a framework to construct a fully functional website. A developer can choose to write all the logic they need themselves for aspects like data persistence, authentication & session handling layers, template rendering logic, security functions, or even integrated unit testing.

Regardless, if a developer uses a framework, they will be able to benefit from great features and components that are typically peer-reviewed and well tested by hundreds of other developers. As such, a framework can enable a developer to build what they want rapidly, without them spending significant time worrying too much about the infrastructure of their application.

What Is ReactJS?

Simply put, ReactJS (React.js or React herein) is a popular open-source JavaScript library utilised to create impressive modern web apps, with minimal effort and coding. Generally, ReactJS is widely known for enabling developers to build engaging User Interfaces (UI) that improve the speed of the apps.

Incepted and maintained by the social media unicorn, Facebook, ReactJS uses single components where a software developer can break down complex UI components into individual ones, thus giving great modularity and separations of concerns. As a matter of fact, ReactJS is associated with some of the top giants including Yahoo, Instagram, Netflix, PayPal, and many others.

Because of React’s ability to handle view with the input framework, it is considered by some as a framework, while others refer to it as a library. Overall, the gist of the argument lies in the technical distinction between a library and framework.

A developer employs a library when they want to control the flow of the application, while a framework is used when they want the ‘framework’ to be in charge of the flow. For better context, Angular is widely considered a framework because it controls and connects both Model and View, while ReactJS is a library since it controls only View.

Though when ReactJS was first released, it was marketed as an alternative to “Large MVC Architecture Frameworks.” So, by this premise, ReactJS is technically a framework since it forces a developer to build UIs in the React way as opposed to the Angular, Vue or Ember way (but it doesn’t fully dictate how you architecturally design your entire system, while Angular does).

However, I’d argue that caring about the contrasts between a library and framework is a bit pedantic and frivolous, so you can call it either.

How to Use ReactJS as a Frontend Tool

There are two main approaches to employing modern JavaScript frameworks. Namely, client-side rendering, where the browser downloads the required code and renders the UI, or server-side rendering, where the UI is rendered at the backend. Generally, ReactJS is well suited for Single-Page Applications (SPAs), web applications that load a single HTML page, and dynamically update that page as the user interacts with the app.

In practice, ReactJS enables developers to create reusable components that are independent of each other, making the application high-performing. This capability is facilitated by a unique feature called virtual DOM (Document Object Model) that enables developers to implement server-side rendering (SSR) without needing to update the view each time. Furthermore, the key distinction between ReactJS and older technologies is that JavaScript requires a significant amount of logic and DOM manipulation.

Benefits of ReactJS

  • React comes with multiple component libraries, add-on packages and full template offerings, which save developers a lot of time, so they don’t have to build everything from scratch.
  • React maintains excellent developer tools to debug and inspect state.
  • React’s Redux extension provides easy and safe state management.
  • It’s easy to create dynamic web applications with React, especially with clumsy HTML strings that often require complex coding. ReactJS uses the JSX to solve this issue, which is a specific syntax that lets HTML quotes and HTML tag syntax applications render specific subcomponents.
  • ReactJS enables developers to reuse components developed in other applications, sharing the same functionality. This provides significant time savings, allowing developers to complete projects at a much faster pace.
  • ReactJS has a less steep learning curve as developers can quickly get familiar with its features to engineer web and mobile apps.
  • React allows developers to build isomorphic apps, where similar code can be used for both client and the server-side component of an app.
  • ReactJS is known to be SEO Friendly, in contrast to previous JavaScript frameworks that were notoriously considered SEO unfriendly.

What is Django?

Generally, Django is a high-level Python web framework that allows developers to utilise modules for faster development. In practice, developers can use Django’s modules to build apps and websites from an existing source, thus considerably speeding up the development process, as they do not have to code everything from scratch.

Django is free and open-source, and is famously known for its advanced functionality such as admin panels, file upload support, authentication support, comment boxes, contact forms, app management, and more.

How to Use Django as a Backend Tool

Django encourages rapid development as well as a clean, pragmatic design, thus cutting out much of the hassle of web development, so developers can focus on writing their app without needing to reinvent the wheel.

A notable benefit of employing Django for backend web development is the fact that it’s a Representational State Transfer (REST) framework, which makes it a popular toolkit for building APIs. One of the main benefits of REST APIs is that they offer a great deal of flexibility. Hence, Django REST framework is essentially a highly powerful, scalable, and versatile toolkit for constructing web APIs.

Furthermore, it’s a highly scalable framework that developers can exploit for building smaller projects, before later moving on to complex applications capable of handling heavy user traffic and large data volumes. Generally speaking, many industry leaders employ Django to build all sorts of platforms, from social networks to Content Management Systems to data computing platforms. Examples of some of the busiest sites currently using Django’s ability to quickly and flexibly scale to meet heavy traffic demands are: Netflix, Spotify, Instagram, YouTube, Dropbox and Pinterest.

Benefits of Django

  • Django provides various unique libraries, add-ons and packages with a lot of pre-built code. Principally, Django delivers everything required to build the backend of a web application, and competently handles most web development tasks like site maps, RSS feeds, content administration, user authentication, etc.
  • Django also works with most major databases and enables the use of a more suitable database in a specific project, or even multiple databases at the same time.
  • Django has a manageable learning curve, excellent documentation, and is relatively easy to set up and configure.
  • Django comes with excellent security that can help protect your website or app from most of the attacks like SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF, Clickjacking, etc.
  • Django REST Framework makes setting up an API on top of Django relatively easy.
  • Django admin provides easy off-the-shelf views for things developers do not necessarily want to custom build in React.
  • Django also boasts an active community with thousands of tutorials and help resources.
  • Django is highly scalable and battle-tested to tackle projects of any size and capacity, from a simple website to a high-load web application.
  • Django is cross-platform compatible, which means that a project can be based on Mac, Linux, or PC. 

Benefits of ReactJS with Django

As explained, Django is a backend web framework while ReactJS is arguably a frontend framework (tending towards a library) for developing Single Page Applications (SPAs). That being said, overall, ReactJS has similar benefits to Django in terms of scalability, being battle-tested, having exhaustive documentation, an active community, and an excellent set of built-in tools that allow users to focus on the construction of software logic instead of other trivial aspects.

With regards to merging Django and React technologies, it’s essentially a canonical combination for building web software. In practice, an application that combines both technologies will have Django as backend and ReactJS as frontend. Simply put, this means that the REST API calls the backend, if any data is needed in the frontend. Since frontend frameworks require a RESTful API to interact with, developers can choose to create a RESTful backend API with Django.

Advantages of Using React with Django

  • Enables good code management from both backend and frontend.
  • Django maintains fairly manageable configuration as STATICFILES config will get you integrated with React pretty quickly.
  • Django comes with a readymade admin, and since the frontend and backend are separated, development is less time consuming as it’s simpler to test, find and remove bugs.
  • ReactJS employs states of variables that support less compact code development.
  • The loading time will be far less since the frontend and backend are already separated.
  • High-level customisation can be accomplished by combining React and Django.
  • Developers can later choose to add VueJS or AngularJS to some blocks without changing any prebuild architecture.

Disadvantages of Using React with Django

  1. The initial setup is not readily deducible for some developers as Django has many version problems, which makes setups on local machines a bit time-consuming.

How to Use ReactJS and Django Together?

When using React and Django, developers typically take two approaches. The first approach is to build separate Django and React apps. In practice, Django is responsible for serving the API built using the Django REST framework, while React will consume these APIs employing the Axios HTTP client, or the browser’s fetch API. Furthermore, a developer will need to have two servers, both in development and production. In essence, one for Django (REST API) and the other for React (to serve static files).

In contrast, the second approach taken by developers involves coupling the frontend and backend apps. Fundamentally, a developer chooses to utilise Django to both serve the React frontend, then to expose the REST API. They typically integrate React and Webpack with Django, by first generating a Django project, then inside this project directory, they generate their React application using the React CLI.

Bottom Line

All things considered; Django is arguably the most complete web development framework available. It’s highly secure, fast, and scalable. With the power of Python, developers can get an app up and running in no time.

As has been noted, ReactJS is a JavaScript framework for creating single-page applications. It boasts a solid ecosystem and maintains solid documentation.

We also established that when using React and Django together, React serves as the frontend (client-side framework), that handles the UI and getting & setting data via requests to the Django backend, which is an API built using the Django REST framework (DRF).

Get your very own application built with ReactJS and Django by experienced developers from Creole Studios’ dedicated resource hiring right away! Kindly share your idea with us by contacting us, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Monday, November 1, 2021


 As the app user base extends to new nations, it is critical that consumers are always able to utilise the app in their local language. This stems from the fact that language has always been an important element of every business and organisation. As a company expands, it frequently seeks to enter into other cities, states and countries. It is important to localise to meet the needs and requirements of locals, and this is where React Native comes into play.

The situation is no different when it comes to a mobile app.

In this article, we will first learn about React Native and app localization, and then we will look at how React Native localization is responsible for managing multilingual apps and what are its main benefits and drawbacks along with examples of various famous multilingual apps made using React Native.

What is React Native?


React Native (also known as RN) is a popular JavaScript-based mobile app framework that allows you to create natively rendered iOS and Android mobile apps. The framework enables you to develop applications for several platforms using the same codebase.

Read More: Server side Rendering with React

In 2015, Facebook published React Native as an open-source project. In just a few years, it rose to the top of the list of mobile development and hybrid development solutions.

With over 42% of software developers using React Native, it became one of the most popular cross-platform mobile frameworks in 2020. Some of the world’s most popular mobile apps, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Skype, are built with React Native. Companies that utilise React Native can write code once and use it to power both their iOS and Android apps. This leads to significant time and resource savings.

Read More: React Native vs Kotlin: Everything you need to know

How does react native function?

React Native is built in a combination of JavaScript and JXL, a unique markup language similar to XML. The framework can connect with threads in both worlds — JavaScript-based threads and existing, native app threads.

For communication, React Native employs a so-called “bridge.” While JavaScript and Native threads are created in whole separate languages, React Native uses a bridge for making bidirectional communication feasible and functional instead of creating a whole new language like Native and Java.

Need for React Native


React Native Localisations for developing multilingual apps is quite frequent since studies reveal that out of the world’s about 7.5 billion people, 1.5 billion speak English — that’s 20% of the Earth’s population. Moreover, the majority of such individuals are not natural English speakers. English is the first language of only about 360 million people.

As a result, just 360 million individuals out of 7.5 billion are fluent in English. The others speak English as a second or third language. The total market for other languages is significantly greater than the market for English alone.

When the bulk of the target audience is English-speaking, it is okay to test the market using English. However, if the intended audience speaks a different language, developers must translate the app. As the app increases in popularity, translating becomes increasingly necessary in order to serve a local audience.
It is critical for users to be able to utilise various apps without having to learn yet another language. Software developers must induce hybrid development and other modifications while writing scripts and creating codes to abandon the notion of requiring people to learn English in advance in order to operate a computer and access all of its programmes. As the barrier to creating an app or establishing a business becomes lower and lower, the quickest method to diversify is by using app localization via methods like React Native Localization (RNL) to provide translation in the language of your target audience.

What is app localization?

The act of hybrid development and modification to appeal to a geographically particular target market is known as app localization. Developers should always ensure that their mobile app is just as enticing and simple to use outside of their headquarters and country as it is within it.

App localization allows the app to be tailored to the needs of users who speak different languages, with everything from units of measurement to currencies and idiomatic phrases suited for them. Furthermore, according to statistics, 92 percent of the Top 25 Grossing iPhone applications in China are used in the Chinese language. Similar is the case with other countries and their native languages.

So, by ensuring that the mobile app is appealing to users in a wide range of places throughout the world, developers create a huge possibility for growth that they would never have been able to achieve in a single nation.

Also, successful app localization necessitates the modification of several components of the software, including:

  • Correctly translating the language and creating a multilingual app.
  • Changing the default currency, if applicable
  • Checking to ensure that the time and date are correct for that place.
  • Considering any differences in legal concerns
  • Choosing the appropriate language keyboard

What is React Native Localization?

React Native localization (RNL) is the process that enables software developers to adjust internationalised applications for a given area or language by translating text and including locale-specific components. It is helpful when the developer wants to perform app localization by correctly translating the app into a particular language as per the needs of the particular place where it is being used.

Benefits of making Multilingual Apps with React Native


The following are some of the reasons for using React Native to make multilingual apps:

  • Reusability of code – cross-platform development

The ability to reuse code is React Native’s most significant advantage, and it shows that apps can function successfully on various platforms – something that CEOs and Product Owners really value. They can incorporate 90% of the native framework in order to reuse code for operating systems. This benefits developers while they are creating multilingual apps as they can reuse the majority of the code to build the app in different languages.

  • A strong developer community

React Native is an open-source JavaScript platform that allows developers to contribute their expertise to the development of the framework, which is available to anyone. This allows the developers to find support when they are trying to build their application in a relatively obscure language as they most likely will have community support if they run into any issues; having a beneficial influence on developing their coding abilities.

  • Cost effective

Another advantage of React Native development is lower costs. As previously stated, this is due to developers’ ability to utilise the same code to create multilingual apps for both iOS and Android.

It implies that coders and developers won’t need to engage two separate iOS and Android development teams to complete the project; a small team will suffice. The cost of building apps in React Native is considerably lower than the cost of developing apps in languages that do not support cross-platform development.

  • Changes visible immediately

Developers can use fast refresh to run the program while upgrading it to new versions and altering the UI. Changes are immediately visible, and the developer is saved from having to rebuild the entire software. So, when going from one language to another for a multilingual app, it saves a lot of time and effort for the developer.

This has two important advantages: time savings (since programmers save time on compilation) and greater productivity (because they do not lose any state when incorporating changes into the app).

  • The user interface is straightforward

React Native development employs React JavaScript to create the app’s interface, making it more responsive and faster with less load time, resulting in a better overall user experience when it comes to multilingual apps. The framework is ideal for creating apps with both simple and complex designs because of its reactive user interface and component-based approach.

  • Snappy Performance

Some argue that React Native code might have a negative impact on mobile app performance as compared to code created via Swift and other applications. Even though JavaScript is slower than native code, the difference is imperceptible to the naked eye. To demonstrate this further, developers decided to run a test comparing two versions of a basic application developed in React Native and Swift, both of which produced identical performance results. Even when it comes to developing multilingual apps, the results were no different.

  • Strong application even in upcoming years

Given the rapid adoption of the framework and its straightforward approach to resolving development issues concerning multilingual apps, the future of React Native for cross-platform apps is bright. Even while it has a few drawbacks, which we will examine in the next part, its speed and ease of development make up for them.

Read More: Top 5 React UI Design Frameworks 2021

Drawbacks of making Multilingual Apps with React Native

There are two main drawbacks to creating multilingual apps with React Native. These are as follows:

  • Custom modules are missing

While React Native has been around for a while, certain custom modules either need to be improved or are completely absent. This means that instead of just one codebase, you may need to run three codebases (for React Native, iOS, and Android).

Having said that, it is not a recurring thing. Unless you’re creating a new app from scratch or attempting to hack an existing one, you’re unlikely to run into these difficulties.

  • Issues with compatibility and debugging

While that may come as a surprise — after all, leading tech players employ React Native – it is still in beta. The developers may encounter a variety of problems with package compatibility or debugging tools. If the developers are not skilled with React Native, this may have a slight effect on the development since they will waste time troubleshooting.

Read More: Why React JS is better than Angular or Vue JS?

Examples of Multilingual Apps made with React Native


Now that we have discussed the benefits and drawbacks, let us look at some famous multilingual apps that have been created using React Native. 


UberEats was one of the mobile apps that was built with React Native. It is distinct from the Uber app in that it comprises three parties rather than just two – restaurants, delivery partners, and diners.

This necessitated the creation of a unique dashboard that would also account for eateries. The initial dashboard, which was designed primarily for the web, limited the capacity to transmit critical information to restaurants. It also lacked access to native device features such as sound notifications, which harmed the user experience.

The team already had a lot of expertise developing in React, but not enough familiarity with Android and iOS, so choosing React Native was a no-brainer. UberEats employs a huge tech stack, of which React Native is only a minor component. However, the developers are satisfied with what it can offer and are certain that it will be able to satisfy their demands as the market expands.


The American supermarket is known for making daring technical moves, one of which was completely rebuilding its mobile apps in React Native.

Previously, some portions of the Walmart app included integrated web views, which, according to Walmart Labs, fell short of the level that both the employees and consumers demand.

Following the switch to React Native, the performance of both iOS and Android applications increased dramatically – close to native levels. Ninety-five percent of the codebase is shared between Android and iOS, and both applications are managed and developed by a single team.


Facebook is one of the most famous React Native apps since it gave birth to and is the driving force behind the development of this programming language.

Facebook intended to bring all of the advantages of online development to mobile, such as rapid iterations and having a single product development team, and this is how React Native was born. It was originally utilised by the firm to construct its own Ads Manager app for iOS and Android.


Instagram chose to integrate React Native into its current native app, beginning with the Push notification view, which began as a WebView. Fortunately, there was no need to develop the navigation infrastructure because the UI was simple enough to function without one. Using React Native, product teams were able to increase developer velocity by 85-99%.


Another example of a React Native mobile app is Skype. In 2017, Skype stated that it was developing an entirely new app based on React Native. This sparked a lot of enthusiasm among its users, as the previous edition had a few flaws.

From the icons to the new message layout, which now includes three discussion sections: search, chat, and capture, the new app has been entirely overhauled. Microsoft, which owns Skype, had opted to employ React Native not just in the mobile app but also in the platform’s desktop version.

Bottom Line

React Native is an excellent choice if the project does not necessitate a complex interface, access to native functionality, or when developers wish to create multilingual apps for a single platform. Furthermore, React Native is a popular and appropriate alternative if one’s budget is restricted. All in all, it’s a simple, easy and budget friendly application available at everyone’s disposal!

With the help of our experts in React Native, experienced in multilingual app development, we at Creole Studios strive to provide the best services and facilities to our clients. From developing apps to developing systems for the web, we do it all. So, if you’re interested in availing our services and creating a multilingual app using React Native, contact us today!

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